Blood Tests for Fertility

With the increasing prevalence of fertility difficulties, more women are devoting their time and energy to priming their bodies for pregnancy. Enhancing one's health prior to conception not only boosts the chances of successfully conceiving but also contributes to a healthy pregnancy and the birth of a thriving baby. An integral component of pregnancy preparation involves undergoing laboratory assessments aimed at maximising the likelihood of conception.

Taking a comprehensive approach to nutrition and evaluating key health indicators allows for the identification of specific areas that require attention prior to conception. Preparing for pregnancy entails making dietary adjustments to optimize nutrition and hormone levels, addressing any underlying health issues, and adapting one's lifestyle to promote overall well-being and readiness for parenthood.

This article delves deeply into the realm of prenatal laboratory testing, providing recommendations for essential tests, optimal result ranges, and valuable tips to enhance health in specific areas. Additionally, it explores the utilisation of my recommended pregnancy supplements that can greatly contribute to optimising preconception health.

In the following section, you will discover valuable insights into the laboratory assessments that I highly recommend for individuals contemplating pregnancy. It's important to note that additional tests that are tailored to your unique situation, medical background, family history, and other relevant factors may also be suggested. To ensure thorough testing and appropriate treatment protocols, it is crucial to collaborate closely with your naturopathic doctor.

Preconception Blood Tests

**A special note – all bloods MUST be done FASTING – no exceptions!


  • FSH

  • LH

  • Oestrogen

  • Progesterone

  • Prolactin

**Complete FSH, LH, Oestrogen on Day 3 of your cycle

**Complete Oestrogen and Progesterone 7 days before the expected period


An all-inclusive thyroid panel evaluates the state of thyroid health, a critical aspect during pregnancy. Thyroid hormones play a pivotal role in driving the metabolic rate, which naturally escalates during pregnancy. It's worth noting that thyroid autoimmunity could potentially contribute to the risk of miscarriage. Furthermore, thyroid hormone is intricately involved in follicle maturation, making it essential for healthy ovulation. However, it is important to bear in mind that biotin, a component found in most high-quality prenatal supplements, can interfere with this particular test. As a precautionary measure, it is advised to discontinue biotin intake at least two days before undergoing the thyroid panel. While biotin doesn't directly affect the thyroid itself, it has the potential to disrupt the accuracy of the test results.

What to ask for:

  • TSH

  • Free T4

  • Free T3

  • Anti-TPO

  • Anti-TgAbs

  • TSI

  • Urinary Iodine

  • Selenium

Please download a copy of my “thyroid blood testing cheat sheet” .

General Nutritional & Inflammation Status

  • Iron Studies (not just ferritin)

  • FBC

  • eLFTs

  • Plasma Zinc

  • Folate

  • Vitamin B12

  • Vitamin D

  • CRP

Blood Sugar

  • Insulin: can indicate if you are insulin resistant

  • Fasting Glucose: indicates how your daily blood sugars are

  • HBA1c: measures how you manage your blood sugars over a 3-month period

Investing time in caring for your own health and preparing your body for pregnancy is a decision you won't regret. Prioritising this pre-conception phase allows you to gain a comprehensive understanding of your health and fertility through the recommended laboratory tests. By obtaining a complete picture of your well-being, you can identify areas that require attention and make necessary adjustments to enhance your chances of conceiving and ensuring a healthy pregnancy.

If you’d like to know more about your numbers grab a copy of my eBooks “Hormone Blood Testing Guide” and “Blood Test Cheat Sheet”

Much Love,



Unraveling the Iron Truth: Beyond Ferritin for Comprehensive Iron Assessment


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