Your Blood Sugar is ‘Normal’—But You COULD STILL Have Insulin Resistance
If you’ve ever been told that your fasting glucose is “perfectly normal,” but you still feel off—struggling with weight gain, sugar cravings, or hormonal imbalances. Then know there may be more to the story than what you’ve told in your medical appointment.
The truth is, normal blood sugar doesn’t always mean your body is handling glucose properly. Insulin resistance can be brewing silently for years before you will even see your glucose levels rise out of reference range.
This is where preventative medicine is so key, you don’t just wake up one morning and develop type 2 diabetes. That has been brewing for decades and it’s only now being flagged to you as abnormal because it’s out of range, but that doesn’t jump out of range overnight. There is a lot you have control over. It’s just knowing exactly what to ask for and where your levels should be, which is exactly what I am going to outline for you.
What is Insulin Resistance?
Insulin is the hormone responsible for helping glucose enter your cells, where it can be used for energy. But when your body becomes less responsive to insulin, your pancreas has to pump out more and more just to keep blood sugar in check.
This means your glucose levels might look normal, but your insulin is working overtime behind the scenes. And that’s where the trouble starts.
Signs You Might Have Insulin Resistance (Even if Your Blood Sugar is Normal)
Weight gain (especially around the belly)
Cravings for sugar & carbs (like you NEED that afternoon snack)
Energy crashes after meals
Hormonal imbalances (irregular cycles, PCOS, low progesterone)
Brain fog & trouble concentrating
Difficulty losing weight, even when eating “healthy”
Sound familiar?
Why Most Doctors Miss Insulin Resistance
Most routine blood tests only check fasting glucose—which doesn’t tell you the full story. Glucose can look perfectly fine while insulin is secretly creeping higher.
This is why fasting insulin is the real test you need to ask for.
Ideal fasting insulin? Under 6 mIU/L. But many people walk around with insulin levels way above this and don’t realise their metabolism is struggling.
How to REALLY Test for Insulin Resistance
If you suspect insulin resistance, here’s what to request:
✅ Fasting Insulin → Ideal: <6 mIU/L
✅ HOMA-IR Score → Ideal: <1.5 (calculated using fasting glucose & insulin)
✅ HbA1c → Ideal: <5%
How to Start Improving Insulin Sensitivity Today
Prioritise Protein & Healthy Fats – Swap carb-heavy breakfasts for eggs, avocado, savoury mince & protein.
Move After Meals – A 10-minute walk after eating can lower glucose spikes.
Balance Carbs with Fibre & Protein – Avoid carb-only snacks like crackers or fruit alone. Pair apple with some nut butter or berries with some yoghurt.
Eat meat for breakfast – I know this can be a difficult concept for some, but eating something like savoury mince or sausages, mince patties, left roast lamb or chicken with a side of veggies will not have any impact on your blood sugars and is going to set you up for a day, where you feel clear headed, minimal energy crashes, stable moods. It’s honestly game changing.
Consume 1 tbs of apple cider vinegar diluted in water daily – this helps reduce insulin spikes by 30%.
Reduce Refined Sugar – Sugar in your heavily processed foods like donuts, biscuits, lollies, cakes, sweets will lead to insulin surges & crashes.
Manage Stress & Sleep – High cortisol increases insulin resistance.
Helpful Supplements
Final Thoughts
Just because your fasting glucose is normal doesn’t mean your metabolism is thriving. Insulin resistance starts silently—but if caught early, it’s completely reversible with diet and lifestyle shifts.